33A Vauxhall Rd, Cambria Reserve, Vauxhall Rd, Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand
+64 (0)9 445 2661
[email protected]
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The Devonport Museum
The museum showcases and preserves the unique history of Devonport village, displaying items that have been important to the
Devonport community over the past century. Learn more about some of New Zealand’s earliest history; currently displayed in the museum are copies of the Devonport Borough Council Scrapbooks, which document local Devonport events and happenings over the last 103 years.
The museum also includes information regarding the development of Devonport’s distinctive colonial architecture, including a hand made Kauri model villa typical of the 19th century.
Tracing Family History
An invaluable resource to the public, the museum may be of particular benefit to those interested in tracing the history of their own family or home. The museum provides public access to historical photographs, oral histories, genealogical information and other archival materials. Copies of these can be purchased.
The Devonport museum is situated on the site of the old Mt. Cambria quarry, today known as Mt. Cambria reserve. The peaceful and green surroundings of the reserve make it a popular location for weddings or a picnic after looking around the museum.
Admission is free, but a small donation is always welcome.
Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00am – 12:00pm.
Open weekends from 2:00pm – 4pm

Devonport Tours
FAMILY FRIENDLYDevonport Tours are the perfect way to explore the highlights of Devonport seaside village, with informative commentary from one of our friendly and knowledgeable guides. Devonport tours offers two tour packages: The Explorer Tour and The Lunch Tour.
Maori History Trail
FAMILY FRIENDLYThe Maori History Trail is a great introduction to the unique indigenous history of Devonport and its links to the settlement of Maori in Auckland. Discover the landing site of one of the first Maori Wakas to New Zealand, two Maori pā sites and the grave of esteemed Maori Chief Eru Patuone.